On the side of fire
Rites, visions, cultivation practices in the landscape
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Treviso, spazi Bomben |
International Landscape Study Days
2023, nineteenth edition
After two on-line editions, the International Landscape Study Days – key moment of reflection and public debate on the lines of research of the Fondazione – will once more be held “face-to-face” in Treviso, at the Palazzo Bomben auditorium, and in live streaming on the video and social channels of the Fondazione.
The programme, edited by Luigi Latini (director of Fondazione Benetton and professor of Landscape Architecture at Iuav University of Venice) and Simonetta Zanon (head of landscape research and projects of Fondazione Benetton), will be divided into four sessions: Rites and representations, Paradoxes, Under the volcano, Cultivations.
Thursday 23rd February
> at 10 am – 10.30 am
Opening, introduction, Luigi Latini e Simonetta Zanon
> at 10.30 am – 1.30 pm
Rites and representations
The flames of the saints. Rites and symbolisms of fire in Europe, Ignazio E. Buttitta, professor of European Ethnology, University of Palermo-ISPC/CNR
The art of hidden fire, Nadia Breda, professor of Cultural Anthropology, University of Florence
Fieldworks: Fire, Carlos Casas, film director, program director Fabrica
Like moths drawn to light: the Fire ring as social magnet, Robin Winogrond, landscape architect and urban designer, Zurich
> at 3 pm – 5.30 pm
Cities, great fires and new urban identity, Pelin Bolca, research fellow, Polytechnic University of Turin, Rosa Tamborrino, professor of Architectural History, Polytechnic University of Turin
A history of fire: the role of fires in the evolution of life, Davide Ascoli, professor of Forestry management and silviculture, University of Turin
The four seasons of fire (a diary of the fire of Montiferru), Enrico Pau, film director, Cagliari
> at 5.30 pm
O que arde – verrà il fuoco by Oliver Laxe (Spain, 2019, 93’)
Screening of the film, Jury Prize at the Cannes Film Festival 2019-Un certain regard and the Goya Award 2020 for the best new actress (Benedicta Sánchez) and the best cinematographer (Mauro Harce)
Friday 24th February
> at 10 am – 1.30 pm
Under the volcano
Volcanoes and volcanic landscapes, Donatella de Rita, volcanologist and author, Rome
“La montagna di fuoco”, Leonardo Caffo, environmental philosopher, Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti (NABA), Milan
Etna, World Heritage Site, Salvatore Caffo, volcanologist, executive of Ente Parco dell’Etna, Catania
La Palma: eruptions and new landscapes, Juan Manuel Palerm, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Hearing a volcano, Xabier Erkizia, sound artist, Basque Country, Paesi Baschi
> at 3 pm – 5.30 pm
Burn to preserve. The case of the savannahs of Réunion Island, Serge Briffaud, professor at Bordeaux National School of Architecture and Landscape, researcher at the CNRS (French National Centre for Scientific Research) laboratory Passages and Quentin Rivière, PhD student, Université de La Réunion
Fire in the construction and care of gardens, Véronique Mure, Botanique – Jardins – Paysages, Nîmes
“Radicepura”, fire and fertility, Antonio Perazzi, landscape architect and author, Studio Antonio Perazzi, Milan