Outstanding places 2011
fifth edition
Nominations for the fifth edition of Outstanding Places were accepted until Monday, 2 May 2011.
The response of citizens was once again generous and passionate, providing yet another significant contribution to the collective study on the bond between people and communities and the places where they live, the focus topic of the Foundation’s research and scientific activity.
We would like to publicly express our heartfelt thanks to all respondents for their participation their commitment and unwavering support to our project.
76 nominations were received within the deadline, referring to 75 different places in the Treviso province (only one site was reported twice) and concerning 44 municipalities, one of which (Cappella Maggiore) is a first-time nominee, so that 91 out of 95 municipalities in the province have at least one “outstanding site”. The municipalities of Borso del Grappa, Caerano San Marco, Gorgo al Monticano and Paderno del Grappa are still “left out”.
Only 8 nominations refer to sites that have already been nominated in previous editions, hence this edition features a high number of new places (88% of the nominations), thus significantly enriching the map of our region’s Outstanding Places.
Alongside many “new” respondents (approximately half of them), we were pleased to notice again this year that some of the respondents from previous editions nominated new places, with ever interesting and original nominations.
We would like to extend a special thanks to them for their continuous commitment.
The jury of the International Carlo Scarpa Garden Prize (an initiative which ideally runs parallel to Outstanding Places), consisting of Luigi Latini, Domenico Luciani (coordinator), Monique Mosser, Lionello Puppi, Josè Tito Rojo and Massimo Venturi Ferriolo, with the Foundation’s scientific Committee, began examining materials at the meeting of May 15 2011, in Treviso.
A thorough analysis of the contents of the fifth edition began with the traditional public meeting with respondents and administrators, an opportunity for preliminary information and the exchange of ideas on the submitted nominations and on the initiative as a whole, which took place on Wednesday, June 22, 2011. All the materials were displayed in the open exhibition at Palazzo Bomben from October 21, 2011 to February 5, 2012.