Piccolo lessico della diversità

[A short dictionary of diversity]

edited by Marco Aime and Davide Papotti

Fondazione Benetton Studi Ricerche-Antiga Edizioni

Treviso 2018, 180 pages, one colour illustration,

euros 12, ISBN 978-88-8435-025-1

These days, the term “diversity” has become a key-word for the concept of contemporaneity.

With its various fields of application (social, cultural, economic, linguistic, etc.), its prominence in public debate and its passionate exploitation in the political sphere, “diversity” is a word that calls for careful, in-depth reflection.

This new book draws on points of view rooted in the social sciences and humanistic discplines to offer a critical study of eleven terms that in various ways fall within the semantic field of diversity.

An invitation to devote time to exploring a concept, to following up an array of historical cross-references and to acquiring an essential variety of interpretative perspectives.



Introduzione, di Marco Tamaro, 7

Marco Aime, L’altro, 11

Davide Papotti, L’altrove, 25

Luigi Marfè, Viaggio e Racconto, 39

Massimo Rossi, Mappa, 53

Maria Elena Buslacchi, Confini/Frontiere, 65

Anna Giulia Garneri, L’esotismo, 83

Elisa Bellato, Autenticità al plurale. Umanità e patrimoni a confronto, 97

Francesca Marengo, Turismo, 111

Lucia Patano, Incontro, 123

Alice Caramella, Curiosità e Spaesamento, 133

Francesco Surdich, Scienza/Conoscenza, 145

Bibliografia, 157

Indice dei nomi e dei luoghi, 173


Marco Aime teaches Cultural anthropology at the University of Genoa. With Davide Papotti he published L’altro e l’altrove. Antropologia, geografia e turismo [Others and elsewhere. Anthropology, geography and tourism] (Einaudi, Turin 2012).


Davide Papotti teaches Cultural geography and “Literary geography” at the University of Parma. With Marco Aime he published L’altro e l’altrove. Antropologia, geografia e turismo [Others and elsewhere. Anthropology, geography and tourism] (Einaudi, Turin 2012).