Historical gardens, truth and fiction

International Landscape Study Days 2019, fifteenth seminar

Readings, restorations, critical interpretations of historical models in the 20th and 21st century landscape

The topic chosen for the study days seeks to underline the importance of keeping alive both research and exchanges around “historical gardens” so that they may continue playing a germinal and proactive role in the context of the debate on contemporary landscape, guiding all levels of courses of study in this field, and on the places where one is called upon to intervene, in settings where this historical heritage is extensively and deeply embodied.


Thursday 21st February 2019


Marco Tamaro, institutional greetings

Luigi Latini and Simonetta Zanon, introduction to the Study Days 2019

The game of replicas

Authenticity, use and migration of historical models and documents, copies


Luigi Latini introduces and coordinates the morning session

Vincenzo Cazzato, Truth and fiction in the 20thcentury Italian gardens: design, models, accomplishments

Raffaella Fabiani Giannetto, The Italian legacy in 20th-century American gardens: the case of Philadelphia

Beate Reuber, Berlin, “Gärten der Welt”: international garden and landscaping artistry from five continents


Josè Tito Rojo introduces and coordinates the afternoon session

Finola O’ Kane Crimmins, Colonial landscapes: design strategies from Ireland and the Irish Caribbean

Bianca Maria Rinaldi, Exoticism and authenticity: “Chinese” gardens

Filippo Pizzoni, Italian or English garden? If it’s fashion, it’s in fashion


Marta Maffucci, Transformation of gardens and landscape in cinema: from place to location to set


Friday 22nd February 2019

Exercises in critical reading

Examples from the twentieth century and the current milieu


Monique Mosser introduces and coordinates the morning session

Luigi Gallo, Learning from Pompei. The Vesuvian gardens: archaeological research and modern inspiration

Stéphanie de Courtois, From city planning to military cemeteries, Jacques Gréber’s new uses of formal garden patterns

Annemarie Lund, Scandinavia: relation between history and modern landscape architecture


Prati urbani. I prati collettivi nel paesaggio delle città/City meadows. Community fields in urban landscapes

Enrico Fontanari presents the book edited by Franco Panzini (Fondazione Benetton Studi Ricerche-Antiga Edizioni, Treviso 2018)


Anna Lambertini introduces and coordinates the afternoon session

Anette Freytag, Dieter Kienast: rethinking landscape architecture with references from garden history

Christian Bertram, Holland: from the restoration of Het Loo to Michael van Gessel’s “invisible gardens”

Luigi Latini, Giuseppe Rallo, Simonetta Zanon, Villa Farsetti in Santa Maria di Sala, reinventing a villa garden in Veneto’s present-day landscape



Christian Bertram, Universiteit Van Amsterdam, Department of Art History/Dipartimento di Storia dell’Arte

Vincenzo Cazzato, Università del Salento, Dipartimento Beni Culturali, Lecce

Stéphanie de Courtois, École nationale supérieure d’architecture de Versailles,équipe de recherché AM:HAUS- Actualité des modernismes – histoire, architecture, urbanisme, sociétés (FR)

Raffaella Fabiani Giannetto, National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow, Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington

Enrico Fontanari, Università Iuav, Venezia;

Anette Freytag, Rutgers University, Department of Landscape Architecture, New Brunswick, NJ

Luigi Gallo, Università degli Studi della Basilicata, Dipartimento delle Culture europee e del Mediterraneo, Matera

Annemarie Lund, Chief Editor «Landskab», København (DK)

Marta Maffucci, scenografa, Roma

Finola O’ Kane Crimmins, University College, School of Architecture, Planning and Environmental Policy, Dublin

Filippo Pizzoni, architetto paesaggista, aMAZING_sTUDIO, Milano

Giuseppe Rallo, Soprintendenza ai BB.AA.PP. delle province di Ve-Bl-Pd-Tv, Venezia

Beate Reuber, Grün Berlin-“Gärten der Welt”

Bianca Maria Rinaldi, Politecnico di Torino, Dipartimento Interateneo di Scienze, Progetto e Politiche del Territorio


opening, working sessions coordination

Anna Lambertini, Università di Firenze, Dipartimento di Architettura; Luigi Latini, Università Iuav, Dipartimento Culture del Progetto, Venezia; Monique Mosser, Écolenationale supérieured’architecture deVersailles, Centre André Chastel, Paris (Honoraria); José Tito Rojo, Università di Granada; Marco Tamaro, direttore della Fondazione Benetton Studi Ricerche; Simonetta Zanon, Fondazione Benetton Studi Ricerche, progetti paesaggio.