Ludica Series

under the direction of Gherardo Ortalli and Alessandra Rizzi

The series entitled “Ludica” extends the scope of the journal of the same name by publishing works of particular length, importance and substance in the field of the history of games, pastimes and festive activities; for the most part the work published originates in research promoted and coordinated by the Foundation.

The aim of the series is to explore the role of ludicity in various contexts, starting from the assumption that “games” constitute an inescapable part of the historical process, emerging at the most improbable and unpredictable junctures. In its attempt to reveal the complexity and articulated structure of the ludic universe, the series focuses special attention on the period, up to the XIX century, when games were being experimented with in various forms and when the bases of our modern “games culture” were being set.

“Ludica” is therefore not only a historiographical undertaking but also an attempt to illustrate the cultural and historical significance underlying practices that are a part of our everyday lives.

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